One Hit Wonders™ - 

A KISD project
by Prof. Baron & Prof. Juric

Band:Tracks / Info and  —
  1. 1-0-1-0: Jack wants the 80ies back
  2. J.:
  3. Lucidy:
  4. Delusi:
  5. Virtual Vitality:
  6. Melvec:
  7. Resonance:

Live: Release Party — xx.xx.2019, Buhman & Sohn
  1. Docu FotosVideos
  2. facebook Event + Promo
  3. Instagram Channels

Project Desciption —
  1. This project is located in the field of industrial-and product design, business segment
    cultural industries. The product we developped is a song. Of course we wanted to design a highly competetive item, a best seller, a ‘one hit wonder’. So, besides
    a song and a sound we of course need
    to create a band myth, image and motion, a
    social media campaign. And all did.

    Please note:
  2. Students who did not want to become rich
    and famous were not allowed to sign in

  3. mid-term project initiated and managed by Prof. Baron (Design and Economy) and Prof. Juric (Image & Motion), WS 2018/19, KISD
